Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lesson 5 

1.) I found the perfect article by doing away with the movie and musical theater buttons, and clicking on the article and library criticism and came up with an article "The Temptation of the Impossible: Victor Hugo and Les Misreables", written by C. B. Kerr.

2.) I received the best results by using parenthesis "Hurricane Sandy" and truncating library and aid. One of the more interesting articles is not about aiding the community but about the devastation these libraries faced."Hurricane Sandy: The Road to Recovery". One of the more recent articles is from May 2014, entitled, " Resilient Design"; it discussed about negotiating a jumble of well meaning aid and repair efforts.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


1.) I would start by showing the third grader how SIRS Discoverer works, then show him that by typing in solar system he could get 867 articles on this topic. I would then show him how to sort through his options to narrow his search down.

2.) While searching in SIRS Discoverer for both Maps and Volcanoes I found 1,000 articles on both of these subject matters.

SIRS Researcher

1.) By using SIRS Researcher teachers can get many suicide prevention tools and they can custom them to their audience; such as depression, drugs, transgender, etc. With Google customizing to your needs becomes much more difficult.

2.) The search term I would use for a civic discussion on water restrictions would be water restrictions, or water use. I found a particularly good reference ; At Issue: Water Use.  The article provides an overview of water use and Perspectives and questions.

Lesson 3.

1.) I would show him that by going into the elementary school center he could practice using tutorials, Ebooks, and tests to help him with his reading comprehension.

2.) I would suggest that before her interview for the Office manager job, that she go through Learning Express and take the steps for the interviewing process, social networking skills, and skills improvement resources. Also I think it would be beneficial to try the WorkKeys assessment to practice up.

3.) If a student came to me asking for a report on careers, I would suggest that by using Learning Express, he could look into both careers by using the Explore Careers option.

Lesson 2.

Chilton Library

1.) Go to Chilton Library put in the year, make, and model. Click on repair  it gives you a list of things you may need to repair, click on steering wheel and then removal and installation. It then gives you 3 videos to look through.

2.) The A131L transaxle.

Mango Languages

1.)  I would suggest going into Mango and taking the Biblical Hebrew Lessons.

Tumblebook Library

1.) I would sort by reading level and sit with him to get an idea of what he has read and give him the option of other books available.

2.) I found working in Tumblebooks Very Difficult, as I am not a teacher or librarian who works with K-12 but with college age students. But that just made me look into deeper. If I had to recommend a STEM Ebook the first I would pick would be The Day-Glo Brothers, I found it very interesting and informative.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Lesson 1 World Book

1.) World Book Kids would be difficult to use as I work in a library for engineers and science majors. That being said, under the "Science Projects," the selecting and researching a topic could prove helpful for anyone.

2.) World Book Students.  This site maybe helpful to some of our freshmen students who are less familiar with other resources available. I liked the fact that they could find significant people, and also have a biography with it and a chance to read various newspaper articles, that fit there own personal taste.

3.)  World Book Advanced.   The tools in this section would be very helpful for students in many ways, the hear text aloud was funny to me because of was so robotic.

4.) World Book Discover.  Reference tools gives very good research material, especially for students just starting out on their own. The timeline was a useful tool as well.