Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lesson 2.

Chilton Library

1.) Go to Chilton Library put in the year, make, and model. Click on repair  it gives you a list of things you may need to repair, click on steering wheel and then removal and installation. It then gives you 3 videos to look through.

2.) The A131L transaxle.

Mango Languages

1.)  I would suggest going into Mango and taking the Biblical Hebrew Lessons.

Tumblebook Library

1.) I would sort by reading level and sit with him to get an idea of what he has read and give him the option of other books available.

2.) I found working in Tumblebooks Very Difficult, as I am not a teacher or librarian who works with K-12 but with college age students. But that just made me look into deeper. If I had to recommend a STEM Ebook the first I would pick would be The Day-Glo Brothers, I found it very interesting and informative.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting find in TumbleBookLibrary--I had to check it out! The index in TumbleBookLibrary may be useful for you to skim titles/sort by AR or grade level when helping the students.

    Thanks for your post,
