Friday, March 20, 2015

Lesson 8
WorldCat, CAMIO, and More


1.) In the search for Martin Luther, to narrow the search I clicked on only books, then on to Audience, I picked Juvenile. And then I choose Non-fiction, the one title I would choose would be Martin Luther by Sally Stepanke. The nearest library would be North Dakota Small Library Group.

2.) I searched under graphic novels then fiction. The title I picked was "Jim Butcher's the Dresden Files: War Cry."
It's publisher : Mount Laurel, N. J.: Dynamite Entertainment [2014].

3.) I typed in My Fair Lady and under format I chose Musical Score. And found a My Fair Lady: vocal section.
Accession number 22601829.


1.) Advanced Search "Victorian Clothing," the looked under textiles, I found many items of interest.
Including, an embroidered panel, textile remnant of border, trim and collars. And some dresses one being called a "Round Dress," and a woman's cape.

1 comment:

  1. Great finds in WorldCat---the limiters and sublimiters really help bring up the search results needed.

    Thanks for your post,
